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KLD - Publications

Most of these publications were papers of presentations at user conferences. Some of them are company internal papers. I mention these here, because many people outside the companies demonstrated interest and got a copy.

The following list is sorted by decreasing date (the newest ones on top):

The abstracts hereafter are sorted by increasing date. Some of the items are not really publications (were not publicly available), but unique creations. Nevertheless quite a number of people have seen or even touched them...

Hand crafted gifts and gags for my friends and colleagues are a nice hobby.

[To top/bottom of page] Vademecum I (1960)

Actually this is not my first book which I created myself. I gave away a 100 page A6 sized prototype when this booklet of about 350 pages A6 was finished. It is assembled from various sources (torn out pages) and many handwritten pages. I did not have a paper guillotine in those times, so I trimmed it with an ordinary plane!

The contents ranges from Boy Scout matters to mathematics and to physics and the Second rule of thermodynamics – a summary of the items learned at the School of Technology in Bregenz. Two pages from this book (20KB) .

[To top/bottom of page] Maps of Göfis 1:10 000 and Feldkirch 1:5 000 (1961)

Göfis is my home village, Feldkirch is the next town. The map of size A0 are not as accurate as survey maps. I drawed them by enlarging parts of a Swiss survey map with a self built episcope. Then I walked the area and amended missing items (houses, streets, high voltage transmission lines etc.). I could sell some copies to the tourist organisation of my home village. Map detail (370 KB) around my parent's house.

[To top/bottom of page] Göfis – eine heimatkunde (1962)

At primary school «Heimatkunde» – learning about the native country – was not my strength. But the more I knew about other places of the world the more my native village became important to me. Having done the map already I shot some photos and found some useful text, which I amended by my own findings. For this panorama photograph (32KB) I climbed the lower third of a high voltage transmission pylons (absolutely safe, but still forbidden...). This booklet is about 30 pages A4 (PDF 1.5MB).

[To top/bottom of page] Sprüche – nicht von Jesus Sirach (1964)

In this booklet of about 20 pages in the size of 10.5 x 30cm I collected bon mots from our teachers during my time at the School of Technology in Bregenz.

To give you an impression: «You can not suck water into the pipe, you just can lure it» (This is due to the fact, that the water is pressed into the pipe by the air pressure on the outside). After some time this collection was used by colleagues for citations.

A second edition (2009) in landscape A5 contains some photos as well (PDF, 7 MB)

[To top/bottom of page] Vademecum II (1965)

This A6 booklet is a re-make of the booklet from 1960. The handwritten sources are replaced by typewritten pages or at least neatly handwritten and drawn pages. All source pages were photographed with not so good light source. I created A6 copies from the film myself. It turned out that the light source (a Hg-lamp) was not that good. Many copies needed tuning with Indian ink! The same two pages as for editon I (60 KB).

[To top/bottom of page] Konstruktionshilfen (1964 - 66)

This a 200 page collection of nomograms, hints and tips for the mechanical engineer. I described the mathematics of cam design, how to calculate springs or gears. Also many tables (both written and photocopied) are there. I typed most of the pages with an old type writer, the drawings are done in indian ink. The originals are transparent, but only two copies were created. One is lost somewhere on an engineer's drawer...

[To top/bottom of page] Berechnung von kunststoff-zahnrädern (1969)

Having dealt for quite a while with plastic gears of various types, I put together an article on Computing plastic gears for the technical publication technica. This is only little text, but many nomograms based on own and others experience (PDF 390 kB).

[To top/bottom of page] Beschreibung des HP tischrechners HP 9100B (1970)

The HP 9100B was one of the first programmable desk top calculators used in the Oerlikon Machine Tool Works. We used it to compute various aspects of artillery rockets. It was very expensive, so the field of application had to be enlarged to justify the budget. This required a German manual, which I created from data sheets, prospects and own experience. Eventually HP Switzerland ordered 150 copies ot this (pdf, 5.5 MB).

[To top/bottom of page] Liederbuch für die Taizégruppe Schwamendingen (1971)

A group of young people from the catholic and reformed parishes of Schwamendingen in Zurich decided to strengthen their commitment to Jesus Christ and visit Taizé, the community in the Burgund. From this week emerged a weekly evening prayer which was prepared by members of the group. This lasted for six years, until nobody of the group lived anymore in Schwamendingen. The group or at least some members visited Taizé more than once.

The first song book was a loose leaf binder of size A6. Soon I decided to make a real book. Some of the settings are handwritten or typewritten, others are copies from various sources. For creating the masters I used the Xerox copying machines at a fair in Zurich. Printing a run of 120 was done at the print shop of my employer. I did the bookbinding myself. This page (26KB) shows the song of the group, the text is by one of the members, the melody is by Frère Marc.

[To top/bottom of page] Quick instruction for a camera

My friend Inge (now my wife) spent half a year in an Isreali kibbutz and took my camera with her. The ordniary manual was too complicated for her, who had no experience with cameras at all. Hence I created a reference card, coated on both sides with plastic for outdoor use. This was one of my first user instructions. It proved to be useful, Inge made very fine pictures! One side of this (62 KB)

[To top/bottom of page] Vademekum für TW programmierer (1977)

The first of a series of reference items for technical (Fortran) programmers was just the size of two punched cards. It contained the most used commands for the DOS job control language of the early IBM System/360-40 computer of Oerlikon Machine Tool Works.

Even this simple reference card was ripped off my hands – so an enhanced version with card codes and other useful stuff followed. By the time this emerged to a small ring binder with about 100 pages including descriptions of common routines the programmer could use in his programs...

[To top/bottom of page] Schmalfilmkartei (1974 - 83)

The Katholischer Filmkreis Zürich was an offspring of the Catholic Young Men's Movement (Katholische Jungmannschaft) in Switzerland. The work with films started 1952. In its high time around 1965 the Filmkreis counted on 120 active members. New projects were discussed 1971. Alex Bugmann and I had already worked out some details for a card index about films. The proposal was accepted and work started.

16mm films were used in youth groups, parishes, at schools and in adult education. Various catalogs were available, but no real descriptions of the contents of the movies. The card index was intended to provide an open ended source of information, independent of movie leasing firms. Eventually we described 400 longer and shorter films from 15 to 20 leasing firms and had 350 customers in Switzerland. Klaus was the editor and production manager of this project. The larger part of descriptions also is his work. We could not continue the project after 1984 due to lack of spare time... Get an impression of the cards from this pdf.

[To top/bottom of page] Die Schweizermacher (1978)

This film by Rolf Lyssy displays and caricatures the methods of Swiss authorities when sombody wants to become a Swiss citicen. At the time the film was presented I was in this process myself and hence could find many parallels between the film and reality. This german text was published in filmbulletin, number 106.

[To top/bottom of page] SEAS National Character Task Force

White Paper on National Character, Language and Keyboard Problems. Published by SHARE Europe Headquarters, 17, Rue Pierres-du-Niton, CH-1207 Geneva, Switzerland; September, 1985.

Due to the very nature of the problems reported in this paper it could not be formatted and printed with IBM equipment and software. My company could provide the necessary support to issue this paper.

[To top/bottom of page] SUSI - Just another text formatter?

Lecture Notes of a Workshop held in Association with PROTEXT II in Dublin, p 17 - 28. Dún Laoghaire, Boole Press Ltd., 1985. ISBN 0-906783-52-6.

SUSI is a text formatter for the MVS operating system with TSO/ISPF on IBM mainframes. Most commands describe textual entities and only few commands describe typographical aspects. The presentation of a document depends on the output device and profile unique to a type of document. A key feature of SUSI is support of structures above the 'document level' to build books and parts from documents (PDF, 2 MB).

[To top/bottom of page] An environment for a text formatter

Lecture Notes of a Workshop held in Association with PROTEXT II in Dublin, p 29 - 37. Dún Laoghaire, Boole Press Ltd., 1985. ISBN 0-906783-52-6.

The text formatter SUSI is implemented in the TSO/ISPF environment of the MVS operating system on our IBM mainframes. A system of panels (menus) guides the user through all available tasks. Besides editing and browsing of texts they can be formatted both in foreground (on the screen) or in the background by means of generated job control. A complete tutorial on all SUSI commands as well as text skeletons for editing the text are available. (PDF, 4 MB)

[To top/bottom of page] SUSI - a text formatter for MVS

Proceedings of SEAS Anniversary Meeting 1985, vol. II, p 1267 - 1282. Geneva, SHARE Europe (SEAS), 1985.

This paper combines those presented at the Protext II conference:

[To top/bottom of page] CPDS, Interpress and PostScript - A Comparison of Page description Languages

Proceedings of SEAS Anniversary Meeting 1986, vol. II, p 931 - 953. Geneva, SHARE Europe (SEAS), 1986.

Recent development of inexpensive highly functional laser printers and raster image processors stimulated interest in languages for interfacing to these devices. This paper compares CPDS from IBM, Interpress from Xerox and PostScript from Adobe. Areas covered are design goal, functionality, coding (data representation) and font metrics. (PDF, 10 MB)

If you are interested: here is a PDF file (currently 662 KB due to bad scanning) with the full text and drawings. Watch this space, I am working on a smaller file.

[To top/bottom of page] Text and Code - A Dragons Pond

Proceedings of the 30. G.U.I.D.E. conference in Basel. G.U.I.D.E. Headquarters, 1989.

Comparing the human habits of gesture and miming with codes in data processing shows a severe gap in understanding coding mechanisms. This is the source of many problems related to national language support in data processing applications.

The original text is in german, The english version for a presentation at SEAS and a french version, kindly translated by Ministère des Communications du Québec, St. Foy, Canada. It was also presented at a SEAS conference.

[To top/bottom of page] Fortran precompiler McStruFo

McStruFo is shorthand of MaCro oriented STRUctured FOrtran. McStruFo is the OBRZ implementation of MORTRAN2, which was developped by A. James Cook and L.J.Shustek from the Computation Research Group of Stanford Linear Acceleration Center, Stanford, California.

The McStruFo processor is a FORTRAN program of approximately 1100 statements plus an assembler program of about 2000 lines. The macros to define the language require about 80 lines.

[To top/bottom of page] Aufbau des OBRZ Runtime Systems

Aufbau des OBRZ Runtime Systems. OBRZ AG, Handbuch 400 (Technisch-wissenschaftliches Rechnen am MVS System), Kapitel 400.50.10. Zürich 1989.

The OBRZ runtime system is layered above the runtime system of the programming language FORTRAN. Among other functions it supports editing and output of messages. Message skeletons are kept on files (PDS members) and hold various information (error messages, trace messages, full description of routine). For the output of a message it is customised with actual data and it's presentation is adapted to available line size and nesting level of the routine.

[To top/bottom of page] VS Pascal - Promises and Pitfalls

Proceedings of SEAS Anniversary Meeting 1989, vol. II, p 1511 - 1518. Geneva, SHARE Europe (SEAS), 1989.

Section 'Generalised Requirements for Compilers and Runtime Systems' details the need for National Language Support in the programming environment, as well as Error Handling and Reporting.

[To top/bottom of page] Implementation of Swiss Character Set

OBRZ AG, Handbook 410 (Document processing on MVS), Chapter 410.10.30. Zürich 1989.

Proposal to change hardware, software and data from DP94 to code page 500.

[To top/bottom of page] National Language Support in SUSI

OBRZ AG, Handbuch 410 (Dokumentverarbeitung am MVS), Kapitel 410.20.35. Zürich 1990.

The text formatter SUSI supports code page switching (also within a file). A piece of text also may have the attribute language, to which hyphenation and other properties are bound. National keyboards can be used. The internal character set supports most Western and Eastern European languages.

[To top/bottom of page] National Language Architecture

Edited by Klaus Daube, Oerlikon Bührle RZ AG, Zürich Switzerland. Published by SHARE Europe Headquarters, 17, Rue Pierres-du-Niton, CH-1207 Geneva, Switzerland; June 1990.

This paper describes an architecture of system functions to fulfil the needs of proper support for national language and culture in programs. This paper became necessary, as IBM's SAA did not address these issues at all. Many ideas from this paper became relevant in POSIX, as well as some were taken from there. This paper was also used to push the International Standard on a Global Character Set, which became ISO 10646.

[To top/bottom of page] A User's view on Standards

Proceedings of Impressions Conference 1991, published by Xerox Ltd. UK.

There are a number of benefits in using standards in every field of application. However, the word 'standard' is not cast in concrete. One may recognise several types like standard standards, de facto standards or meta standards. The standards process must avoid to many compromises and should look into the future rather than perpetuate old fashioned methods. (PDF, 6 MB)

[To top/bottom of page] Designing Multilingual Applications - the Problems

Presentation at SHARE Europe Anniversary Meeting 1991.

This presentation was designed to make developers and managers of DP shops aware of the problems encountered, when setting up multilingual applications. It was the first in a row of 4 sessions (by IBM experts) how to overcome the problems.

[To top/bottom of page] Documentation: concept and implementation

IBSI CASE Development AG, manual 23'199, April 1994.

This manual was written to advice technical authors and producers of technical documentation in ICD. The book starts from more philosophical aspects of the creation of manuals. General aspects of documents, such as the purpose of typography and terminology are included as background information. Further chapters provide details for structuring the contents and appearance of documents, as well as how to use the text and layout tools with templates. A comprehensive glossary providing translations to German and French is included.

[To top/bottom of page] How to ease translation of programs and documentation

Proceedings of SEAS Spring Conference 1994. Geneva, SHARE Europe (SEAS), 1994.

Programmers and even analysts forget very often to design software right from the beginning for an international audience. The same is of course true for document related aspects (manual, help system). This presentation gives an overview on the various elements to be looked upon and hints how to avoid waste of time and money.

[To top/bottom of page] Welcome to Eunet (1995)

Brochure to get started with the Internet using EUnet's capabilities. Both in English and German (about 2000 Eunet was acquired by KPNquest which 2002 was integrated into Via Networks, Zug).

[To top/bottom of page] Ist Gott auch im Internet?

Article in the publication «leben» of the Swiss Fokolar Movement, march. 1997 (PDF5 MB ).

Indicate German Verschiedenen Medienmeldungen nach zu schliessen ist das Internet wohl eher «des Teufels». Es bietet aber der weltweiten Kirche eine äquivalente weltweite Medienplattform – und erreicht erst noch jene Kreise, die wir heute in den Glaubensgemeinschaften vermissen. Bei der Betrachtung dieser Aspekte zeigt sich zudem das eigentliche Wesen der Kommunikation.

[Indicate link to english page] While recent discussions in the news impose that the Internet is flooded by evil spirits this article first figures out the ambivalence of technology. Communication then is unfolded in its non-technical meaning. Also some observations about the presence of the christian churches in the Web, parochial support and other good experiences with the Web are reported.

[To top/bottom of page] Den Medien ausgeliefert?

Article in the publication «leben» of the Swiss Fokolar Movement, july 1998 (PDF 7.5 MB !).

Indicate German Die Vielfalt der heutigen Medien mit den unterschiedlichen Formen einer Botschaft stellen unser Urteilsvermögen auf die Probe. Wie können wir das Wahre vom Manipulierten unterscheiden lernen? Gibt es Hilfen, die für alle Medien gleichermassen gelten?

[Indicate link to english page] The media of today use various forms to present contents. This contents challenges our competence to judge. How to distinguish the truth from the manipulated message? Are there aids in this respect which can be used for the various medial forms.

[To top/bottom of page] St Nikolaus kommt (2011)

Indicate German Diese handreichung entstand aufgrund 30 jähriger mitarbeit in einer Samichlaus-gruppe in meiner heimatgemeinde Fällanden. Die broschüre fasst die vielfältigen vorbereitungen und tätigkeiten zusammen, die zu den besuchen in den familien und kindergärten führen. Diese arbeit ist sowohl ein dank and die langjährigen mitarbeiterinnen und mitarbeiter als auch ein hilfe für die neu-einsteiger (PDF 3.5 MB).

[To top/bottom of page] Minnesang und Alltagsklang (2009, 2013)

Indicate German Meine ersten gedichte waren minnesang! Da ich die angewohnheit hatte, briefe an meine angebeteten zuerst im tagebuch aufzusetzen, sind diese (und meist auch die antworten darauf) erhalten. Die hier gesammelten geschichten hingegen entstanden alle nach der «tagebuchzeit» (oder sollte ich besser «traumzeit» sagen?). Es gibt nur 3 exemplare dieses handgemachten buches.

[To top/bottom of page] Hummers Rosele (2013)

Indicate German Den inhalt eines fotobuches meiner schwester Sonja über unsere mutter Rosa erweiterte ich zeitlich über die hochzeit hinaus. So ist eine lebensbeschreibung entstanden, die ich unserer mutter leider nicht mehr vorführen konnte, starb sie doch einen monat vor dem druck. Nebst etlichen verwandten bekam auch die bücherei Göfis ein exemplar.

[To top/bottom of page] Göfis Hofen 214 – ein haus mit geschichte (2013)

Indicate German Anlässlich des verkaufs des elternhauses erweiterte ich eine bestehende dokumentation zu diesem buch. Nebst meinen grundriss-zeichnungen sind auch Michaels fotos wesentlicher teil dieser haus-beschreibung.


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