A text is readable ...
Readability is influenced by ...
1 |
readability |
lesbarkeit, die |
2 |
letter spacing | zeichenabstand, der | |
3 |
touching; tight; normal; wide | klebend; eng; normal; weit | |
4 |
line spacing | zeilenabstand, der | |
5 |
word spacing | wortabstand, der | |
6 |
upper case | grossbuchstabe, der; versalie, die | |
7 |
lower case | kleinbuchstabe, der; minuskel, die |
Letter spacing
Line spacing
Word spacing
Upper and lower case
Type set in mixed case | Type set in all upper case |
Words set in uppercase and lowercase have more distinctive outline which enables the reader to recognise the words faster. Words set in all all caps have an even horizontal outline with letters of similar shape and size. Type set this way severely impairs reading – more so than any other legibility factor. Also it uses a significantly greater amount of space – as much as 35% – than text set in lowercase of the same size. | WORDS SET IN UPPERCASE AND LOWERCASE HAVE MORE DISTINCTIVE OULINE WHCIH ENABLES THE READER TO RECOGNISE THE WORDS FASTER. WORDS SET IN ALL ALL CAPS HAVE AN EVEN HORIZONTAL OUTLINE WITH LETTERS OF SIMILAR SHAPE AND SIZE. TYPE SET THIS WAY SEVERELY IMPAIRS READING – MORE SO THAN ANY OTHER LEGIBILITY FACTOR. ALSO IT USES A SIGNIFICANTLY GREATER AMOUNT OF SPACE – AS MUCH AS 35% – THAN TEXT SET IN LOWERCASE OF THE SAME SIZE. |
Swiss publication Produktion+Print, Nr. 10, Oktober 1996. Definitions according to Duden / Wahrig / Langenscheidt.
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