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FMbuildTB - building Tool Bars for FrameMaker

This utility can build tool bars for FrameMaker on the base of existing tool bars. These may also be ETB tool bars.

The utility can not work for FM versions below 14, because the structure of work spaces, tool bars and icon files was not stable in those times.


Attention: Windows Defender may react to this installation with a virus warning. This is a false positive. You may check this with an upload to Virustotal
Please consult the complete documentation for instructions how to avoid intervention by Windows Defender. This most useful feature has the quirk to quarantine most compiled AHK scripts.

Note: All software from D+DD is Donationware - if you find it helpful for your work, think about supporting also my work.

  1. FrameMaker can stay open, because this utility runs outside of FrameMaker.
  2. Before installing a new (updated) version, uninstall the current version: start the installation program from the short cut in the Start-menu > D+DD. Then use the Un-Install button.
  3. Download the script file
  4. FM version Date Version Installation file(s) Latest changes
    14 and higher 2023-02-23 1.00 Inst-FMbuildTB.zip First issue of FMbuildTB
  5. UnZip the file to the desktop (you get a file and a directory).
  6. Execute the file Inst-FMbuildTB.exe (run as Administrator)
  7. The language of the installation dialogues adapts to the UI language of your installation (de, en, fr)..
    Prepare installlation of FMgraph
  8. With Install the utility and associated files will be transferred into the relevant locations.
    A short cut to the utility is established in Startmenu > D+DD
  9. A message indicates the end of the installation. The desktop icons will be removed.

Un-install the script

Either delete %appdata%\D+DD\FMbuildTB and the entry in the Start Menu manually
or follow steps 4 … 6 from the installation and use the Un-Install button..


Any software from D+DD is provided by the author and contributor "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.

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 URL:  Created: 2023-xx-xx  Updated:
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