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Technical questions to a web-hosting provider

When selecting a provider for web-hosting (or even when changing the provider) a number of questions arise. These are normally not answered in the promotional material of the provider and must be collected with some effort (quite a number of phone calls, Faxes or e-mail).

D+DD has put together some of these questions into a 'broker'-form, which can be filled in by a provider.

How to use this form

If you want to get the information from a provider, send him/her an e-mail requesting to use this form (http://www.daube.ch/share/web01.html) for her/his answer to you.

The provider then fills in the data. Hence the provider must also fill in your (the requester of the information) e-mail address.

Requester of information

The contents of the form is sent to this address - hence double check its correctness!

More than one e-mail address may be entered here, separated by commas.

Provider URL (to get complete address, prices etc.)


URL which answers most of the following questions
(these need not to be answered hereafter)

This relieves the provider from answering questions just for the sake of this form.

Name of contact person for technical questions
Do You host COM domains ?

We provide the necessary information for proper registration at InterNIC
We register for the customer at InterNIC.

Do You host domains registered for other countries (e.g. DE, LI, AT) ? We provide the necessary information for proper registration at the national NIC.
We register for the customer at the national NIC.

Virtual server

Operating system(s)
Type of server(s) and extensions

Default file name(s)
Configuration management using a Java applet ?  
Byte serving for Acrobat PDF files  
Is it possible to access a particular page from two (or more) domain definitions? For example, is it possible to access www_root/index.html both from http://www.domain1.ch/ and http://www.domain2.ch/ ?
Is it possible, to have third level domains mapped to sub directories? For example, is it possible to access www_root/sub1/index.html from http://topic1.domain.ch/
and to access www_root/sub2/index.html from http://topic2.domain.ch/ ?
For information about the two above mentioned services see...
Streaming "Real audio" supported
Streaming "Real video" supported


URL of CGI programs
Absolute path of a CGI program
Relative URL of CGI for web page in root folder
Files with server side includes must reside in...
CGI languages
PERL libraries
PERL script header
Ready to use CGI scripts (with/out special fee)
Errors from CGI programs are written to
This file can be accessed by

Access statistics

Access log is analysed by ...
... and the following file is created
Contents of statistics can be modified by ...
Statistics are updated ...
... and kept for at most

E-mail support

Configuration of addresses and PW via Java applet at URL...
Files are kept ... days until automatic deletion


Data bases supported
Protected access (by PW) to
PW is set in
Comments, further information


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 URL:  Created: 1996-12-28  Updated:
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