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NLA - Acknowledgements

This paper results from the SHARE Europe Special Technical Working Group (STWG) for National Language Architecture. This STWG met several times from spring, 1988 to autumn, 1990 to discuss the issues of an NLA. Not all members attended all the discussions, but all contributed to the subject in other ways.

Members of the STWG were:

Alain LaBonté Ministère des Communications du Québec, Sainte-Foy, Canada, [SHARE Europe]
Jean-Pierre Cabanié Philips LEPA, Limail Brevanne, France [SHARE Europe]
Bernard Chombart Promodès, Mondeville, France [SHARE Europe], † 2014-02-21
Klaus Daube OBRZ, Zürich, Switzerland [SHARE Europe] - chairman of STWG, principal author and editor of this paper
Peter Gardner Kommunedata, Århus, Denmark, [SHARE Europe]
Denis Garneau Formerly of the IBM National Language Technical Centre, Toronto, Canada [IBM]
Edwin Hart The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland, USA [SHARE Inc.]
Kurt Neuenschwander Schweizerische Rückversicherung, Zürich, Switzerland [SHARE Europe]
Daniel Pellet University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland [SHARE Europe]
Otto Stolz Universität Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany [SHARE Europe]
Johan van Wingen Rijksuniversiteit, Leiden, The Netherlands - Independent consultant

Attendance in a Special Technical Working Group goes far beyond the common participation in a user group. SHARE Europe thanks the member companies who have sponsored this work with the time and resources given to their delegates in the group. This work will benefit all members of SHARE Europe and many members of the International User Group Council member organisations - in particular SHARE Inc. in North America.

The participants of this group also give credit to their families and friends, who were missing many days of our attention (both physically and mentally). On the other hand, working with this subject broadened our cultural knowledge significantly. How else we would have learned some details of the Chinese script? How else we would have found the sharp s (ß) character also in French (of the 17th century)? Would I have discovered the fact that in Switzerland numbers may be punctuated in several ways?


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 URL:  Created: 1996-12-28  Updated:
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