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Document window has no buttons (FM version ≤ 8)

On the top right side of the document windows some buttons provide palettes of catalogues :

Unstructured interface Structured interface

Paragraph catalogue
Character catalogue
Graphic tools
Equation tools
Undo History (present only since FM 7.2 )

Element catalogue
Entity catalogue
Structure view
Paragraph catalogue
Character catalogue
Graphic tools
Equation tools
Undo History (present only since FM 7.2 )

Some or all buttons not available

If you are missing the Paragraph and Character catalogue (or all) buttons this may be caused by the following reasons:

Source of information: FrameMaker mailing list US 2006-08.

Can not move/resize the FM application window

After switching the screen resolution the application window may be placed on the screen with inaccessible title bar. This may happen after a Safe Start of Windows which always uses the archaic 640 x 480 resolution.

To resolve the issue, remove the lines in maker.ini file in the ini-section [DialogLayout]. FM will then use default positions for the windows at the start, for example:
MakerWin=3, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 640, 400
Tools=600, 20
ConsoleWin=2, -32000, -32000, -1, -1, 0, 0, 640, 408

The relevant maker.ini file depends on the FrameMaker version

FrameMaker 6 FrameMaker 7.x
fm-installation-directory\maker.ini userprofile\Application Data\Adobe\FrameMaker\version\maker.ini

The location of the userprofile depends on the Windows version:

Windows version Location of the user profile
Windows 2000, Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\username
Windows NT 4.0 C:\WinNT\Profiles\username
Windows 98 and Me if users;
save individual preferences
Windows 98 and Me if all users share the same preferences C:\Windows


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 URL:  Created: 2006-08-17  Updated:
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